Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Mona Lisa By: Leonardo Da Vinci

The Creation of the Mona Lisa

This commonly known piece of art was created by Leonardo Da Vinci. Just some background information on Leonardo Da Vinci for a refreshment of the brain. Da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance man who was gifted in a number of areas, including writing, math, geology, engineering, music, and painting. He accomplished a huge number of things throughout his life, including the very famous painting, the Mona Lisa. Da Vinci never really stopped working on the Mona Lisa. Technically, he had completed it in 1507, but the only thing that ended his work was his death in 1519. It was  about another 300 years before anyone outside of Italy took any notice of the Mona Lisa and declared it a masterpiece of the Renaissance, the Renaissance was a cultural movement from the 14th to 17th century in Italy, which emphasized the study of classic literature, an emphasis on reality in painting, and education.

Mona Lisa By: Leonardo Da Vinci

Lively, Amy. "The Mona Lisa." Education Portal. N.p., 2003. Web. 18 Feb. 2015. <>.

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